I've sent the following to both Tonks..and Ginny:
Dear Ginny+Tonks,
I'm sending this to the both of you as a plea + explanation of my vote last expulsion session, where Seamus left. I know there was some confusion at least on Ginny's part(reported to me by Susan) as to why I voted out Tonks instead of Seamus. I was never aware that Ginny was 100% going to vote out Seamus, and in addition..Tonks was using her idol, so it didn't matter if I stuck by Seamus/Susan/Myrtle in case everything didn't work out.
To start back at the start of everything for me in this game. An alliance was formed between Seamus/Myrtle/Myself/Susan. Susan and Myrtle have been, and will stay as the head of the alliance..where they are making the decisions. They used Jeff for all he was worth and basically tossed him to the side once he was under the impression that they controlled his every move, and his only chance at winning was by rebelling against them. Anthony was also wrapped around their finger, to the point of him not joining Fred..and it would have been Fred+Me on voting Seamus out at the tribal council that Fred left..he didn't want to vote out his poor friend Seamus, who ended up just voting him out the round afterwards. 0_0 Under the orders of Susan and Myrtle of course.
Susan and Myrtle have been wishy washy with me ever since I started planting ideas of taking them out with Fred, Anthony, Jeff, and even Tonks. I have denied everything..to keep my relations with them as clean as possible so they didn't toss me to the side. Things haven't always worked out, and I'd have rather Seamus and Susan and Myrtle all left sooner then now.
However, one thing hasn't changed since the start of my want..no matter how many times I denied to both Susan/Myrtle about wanting them out. I have always wanted them out..I still do. And in addition, none of us three have a shot in hell at winning this game, if we don't take them out before the finals. The finals, under my impression, is a final 3. Meaning, they need to go this round and next round. We have three people, but they have a hidden immunity idol.
Now, currently in this Challenge I finished at :34, 2 minutes after the challenge was posted.
From what Susan told me she started at :37, and Myrtle started after her--meaning I should win this challenge.
Susan has the hidden immunity idol and will therefore use it on herself. Our chance is to take out Myrtle, Our three votes can send Myrtle out of the game in fifth place, and it's us three against Susan in the final four challenge. We beat Susan in that challenge, to vote her out and keep her from winning this game. We lose to Susan in the final four challenge, she goes to the finals and wins the game..at least I think she would 100% hands down win this thing.
Ginny: I know that Susan has been talking to you and asked you to join her into voting out Tonks this round, etc. And also told you that she will vote myself out before you anytime. I have the IMs to show you what she said to me--it's false. She does however want Tonks out at any cost, however to better yourself..it is best to take them out. If you show them this, I'm history..basically at final four..but I know if I don't at least try this with you guys..I'm history in the finals with them anyways.
I'm happy that Seamus left last round, and glad that Ginny ended up voting with Tonks. I think we can do this guys! I really think I have this immunity, and us three can go to the end with a more of an equal chance at winning this game. Instead of giving them the win.
I'll post the IMs now, of me talking with Susan about everything today:Sunday, April 05, 2009
SpunkyTinkanna (6:51:27 PM): wow. so seamus is expelled?
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:51:33 PM): ya
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:51:35 PM): i was shocked oo
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:51:37 PM): too*
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:51:41 PM): i thought he was going to vote for tonks with me
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:51:45 PM): and i thought ginny was going to as well
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:51:49 PM): idk why he voted for ginny?
SpunkyTinkanna (6:52:02 PM): last night. I told TONKS that I gave him my idol so she migh tthink my idol is gone.
SpunkyTinkanna (6:52:22 PM): he voted for ginny because before you got a hold of him tonks assured him that YOU and her were voting out Ginny
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:52:36 PM): is that why ginny voted for seamus? b/c he might have the idol?
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:52:41 PM): UGH
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:52:43 PM): fucking tonks
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:52:47 PM): why did seamus believe tonks tho?
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:52:48 PM): maybes no sense
SpunkyTinkanna (6:52:56 PM): I dont know
SpunkyTinkanna (6:52:57 PM):
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:52:59 PM): he didnt even ask me
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:52:59 PM): wtf
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:53:00 PM): -_-
SpunkyTinkanna (6:53:05 PM): and ginny has avoided me this hole expulsion
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:53:21 PM): ya, prolly b/c she knew she had to vote with tonks
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:53:22 PM): lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:53:42 PM): we have majority now. 3-2. u/me/myrtle HAVE TO stick together.
SpunkyTinkanna (6:53:43 PM): I know I am safe, and I was told if I can win this I can give the idol to someone I wil, but either way argh.
SpunkyTinkanna (6:53:51 PM): but if one of us win immunity
SpunkyTinkanna (6:53:53 PM): we dont get a vote
SpunkyTinkanna (6:53:56 PM): it will be a tie
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:02 PM): then we will want to throw it
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:03 PM): wont we?
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:05 PM): to have majority
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:07 PM): at the vote
SpunkyTinkanna (6:54:13 PM): well what happens in the event of a tie
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:18 PM): idk, but why risk it
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:21 PM): if we dont ahve to
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:24 PM): we throw the challenge
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:26 PM): we have a majority
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:54:27 PM): 3-1
SpunkyTinkanna (6:54:40 PM): I am about to msg myrtle on msn
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:55:01 PM): ask the host wat happens in a tie
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:55:04 PM): if its past votes
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:55:08 PM): we should all count up how many we have.
SpunkyTinkanna (6:55:36 PM): I have none
SpunkyTinkanna (6:55:41 PM): I dont think myrtle has any either
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:56:20 PM): i might
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:56:20 PM): idk
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:56:21 PM): lol
SpunkyTinkanna (6:56:37 PM): im looking in the rules
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:56:40 PM): ok
SpunkyTinkanna (6:56:57 PM): In the case of a tie at an Expulsion Session. It will be broken base on past-votes. If there is still a tie, it will be broken with a re-vote. And if there is still a tie, it will be broken with a tie-breaker challenge
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:57:12 PM): you both have 0?
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:57:19 PM): go look and see if at any of yours tc's
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:57:22 PM): tonks or ginny got any
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:57:38 PM): between the three of us, i think we can see every tribal
SpunkyTinkanna (6:57:42 PM): I have never been to tribal counsil
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:57:49 PM): oh
SpunkyTinkanna (6:59:10 PM): I think tracy only went oince
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:59:15 PM): i dont think i have any either
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:59:23 PM): ive been there 6 times
SpunkyTinkanna (6:59:27 PM): and weknow tonks and ginny both have at least one
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:59:28 PM): or 7 if u count double for this past one
SpunkyTinkanna (6:59:29 PM): I AM SO SORRY
MakeMeBelieve242 (6:59:49 PM):
SpunkyTinkanna (7:01:41 PM): she doesn't have any against her either
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:02:09 PM): awesomeee
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:02:16 PM): wait she does
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:02:17 PM): she has 1
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:02:23 PM): Session #9
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:02:48 PM): 0_0
SpunkyTinkanna (7:03:38 PM): but ginny and tonks both have more then one
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:03:43 PM): no
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:03:46 PM): i dont think tonks has any
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:03:49 PM): all of her's dont count
SpunkyTinkanna (7:03:51 PM): you just voted for her
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:03:52 PM): cause she had the idol
SpunkyTinkanna (7:03:55 PM): oh
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:03:58 PM): she had the idol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:03:59 PM): it doesnt count
SpunkyTinkanna (7:04:03 PM): well then we need to get ginny in there
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:04:08 PM): and out
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:04:08 PM): ya
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:04:51 PM): ginny got one this time
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:04:52 PM): and another one
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:04:53 PM): at another part
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:05:02 PM): so ya
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:05:04 PM): she has more
SpunkyTinkanna (7:05:08 PM): let me know if you have any
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:05:19 PM): i dont
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:05:20 PM): i looked
SpunkyTinkanna (7:05:42 PM): good. so we gotta protect myrtle against tonks for sure,and I can't wait to talk to ginny
SpunkyTinkanna (7:06:21 PM): knoing my luck it will be something stupid that luck wins
SpunkyTinkanna (7:06:32 PM): as long as ginny doesn't win were good
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:06:35 PM): lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:06:36 PM): ya
SpunkyTinkanna (7:07:10 PM): and in case of a tie, the second vote around, its a tie breaker challenge
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:08:19 PM): ok
SpunkyTinkanna (7:10:55 PM): ginny is talking to me
SpunkyTinkanna (7:12:28 PM): Lunarlightly (8:12:11 PM): Wow... What a b*tch. She told me she had an idol, but didn't want to vote out Draco; and that if I did it'd make me lose a tie. She told me Draco was with HER voting out Seamus.
SpunkyTinkanna (7:12:33 PM): she makes it seem like you two together
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:13:10 PM): see i dont buy it, why wouldnt she tlk to u
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:13:14 PM): during the thing
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:13:23 PM): she prolly realizes now that she is in minority
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:13:25 PM): with tonks
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:13:37 PM): LOL
SpunkyTinkanna (7:13:49 PM): well I am gonna fight my ass off for this, cus I am ticked... tonks is a bad bad women !!!!!! being all nice to me and shit.
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:14:51 PM): lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:14:52 PM): i know
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:14:55 PM): this is riduclous
SpunkyTinkanna (7:15:09 PM): she has always claimed you two are in this super tight alliance, is she trying ot mess with my head
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:16:36 PM): us two just know eachother in another game
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:16:42 PM): but she is taking it
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:16:45 PM): as so much more.
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:16:50 PM): lol
SpunkyTinkanna (7:17:49 PM): I wish we had one more idol lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:17:53 PM): we do
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:17:54 PM): lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:17:56 PM): we have yours
SpunkyTinkanna (7:18:04 PM): ginny is not in a good position
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:18:14 PM): i know, but she did that to herself
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:18:20 PM): by voting with tonks last round
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:18:28 PM): its her own fault, nothing we can do for her.
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:18:29 PM): u know?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:18:32 PM): like to help us 3
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:18:34 PM): we have to vote her out
SpunkyTinkanna (7:18:38 PM): yeah I know
SpunkyTinkanna (7:19:20 PM): I am just gonna be honest with her and be like this is how it is
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:19:25 PM): ok.
SpunkyTinkanna (7:24:59 PM): man why is nt the challegen posted
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:25:39 PM): o dik
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:25:40 PM): i forggot
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:25:43 PM): at 7 board time
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:25:44 PM): or 7 est?
SpunkyTinkanna (7:25:53 PM): 7 east so my time its 7 25 lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:26:00 PM): same
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:26:06 PM): maybe the hsot meant 7 board time tho
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:26:08 PM): so 8pm are time
SpunkyTinkanna (7:26:21 PM): I dont know ho wto feel bout ginny,
SpunkyTinkanna (7:26:28 PM): is ther a way to get rid of Tonks
SpunkyTinkanna (7:28:12 PM): SpunkyTinkanna (8:28:00 PM): when we go to tribal, hopefully someone good wins immunity there will be fuor of us in there, you have a choice to get her back, and vote her out with us, or force a tie,which would make it a revote, and then we would have to vote you out in the second vote cause you have more votes against you. I don't wanna see her make final four
SpunkyTinkanna (7:28:17 PM): is that too mean
SpunkyTinkanna (7:32:53 PM): I think we should vote out tonks if we can, if we can keep myrtle safe, then it would be a tie if ginny doesn't swing to us, and with both having 0, it would be a revote, and in that case we would vote out ginny? what do you think
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:34:35 PM): hm
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:34:38 PM): id be okay with it
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:34:46 PM): but would be kinda scared to go for it, trusting ginny again
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:35:13 PM): cause she might have won something in the thing
SpunkyTinkanna (7:35:17 PM): yeah I know she is calling me out on the hole game and our alliance so I am being honest with her,
SpunkyTinkanna (7:35:23 PM): she didn't get any
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:35:23 PM): hm
SpunkyTinkanna (7:35:26 PM): someone out bid her
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:35:29 PM): oh ok
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:36:11 PM): we are all voting
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:36:12 PM): go look
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:36:26 PM): expulsion sesson
SpunkyTinkanna (7:36:31 PM): okies
SpunkyTinkanna (7:37:40 PM): wher doyou start this challenge
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:38:04 PM): in your confessional.
SpunkyTinkanna (7:38:24 PM): okay did you start already
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:38:35 PM): yep
SpunkyTinkanna (7:38:38 PM): good.
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:38:42 PM): did myrtle?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:38:44 PM): did u?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:38:54 PM): id love to eb safe for once
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:38:54 PM): lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:38:56 PM): ive been to so many
SpunkyTinkanna (7:39:52 PM): I think you posted first I just posted and myrtle just posted,
SpunkyTinkanna (7:40:09 PM): if myrtle doesn't win this she will go home
SpunkyTinkanna (7:40:24 PM): basically if I want ginny to vote with us, I need to convince her I would chose her over you, what do I tell her
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:40:49 PM): no
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:40:51 PM): why would myrtle go home?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:40:53 PM): we are all voting
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:40:56 PM): and ginny has more past votes
SpunkyTinkanna (7:40:57 PM): oh WE ALL VOTE
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:40:57 PM): them myrtle does
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:40:59 PM): yes
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:41:00 PM): all 5 of us
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:41:01 PM): lmao
SpunkyTinkanna (7:41:02 PM): sory I missed that part
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:41:13 PM): its ok
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:41:14 PM): lol
SpunkyTinkanna (7:41:48 PM): what time did you post in your confessional
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:07 PM): why?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:14 PM): what time did u guys post?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:14 PM): LOL
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:16 PM): I WANAN WIN
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:16 PM): lol
SpunkyTinkanna (7:42:26 PM): myrtle hasn't psoted lol I gotta go check
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:33 PM): 6:34
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:34 PM): was my time
SpunkyTinkanna (7:42:45 PM): well you got this if you can go the next few hours
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:50 PM): i wont be able to
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:54 PM): :9
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:56 PM): **
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:42:56 PM): lol
SpunkyTinkanna (7:42:56 PM): why not
SpunkyTinkanna (7:42:57 PM): lol
SpunkyTinkanna (7:42:59 PM): damn you
SpunkyTinkanna (7:42:59 PM): lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:43:01 PM): i have other things to do
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:43:02 PM): lol
SpunkyTinkanna (7:43:43 PM): we can work something out
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:44:32 PM): ok
SpunkyTinkanna (7:44:53 PM): well how long can you stick it out
SpunkyTinkanna (7:48:40 PM): you post the first line wait an hour then post the second line right
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:50:10 PM): i can do the enxt 2
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:50:13 PM): to 9:30
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:50:19 PM): but then idk about 10:30 or 11:30
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:50:21 PM): the last 2
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:50:22 PM): ill see
SpunkyTinkanna (7:53:28 PM): well I just asked myrtle Iw as like if I win immunity I thin I am gonna give it to draco
SpunkyTinkanna (7:54:26 PM): SpunkyTinkanna (8:54:24 PM): if Iturn it around I have a better chance with you then draco because all his guys are on the jury, and I don't have many friends on there. I was actually just discussing this with Mytle
SpunkyTinkanna (7:54:32 PM): I said that but ignore it if it gets back to you lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:55:06 PM): okay
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:55:06 PM): lmaoo
SpunkyTinkanna (7:55:15 PM): I have a lot of people on that jury that dont like me
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:55:16 PM): u literally will give to me?
SpunkyTinkanna (7:55:33 PM): I have an idol already remember, so I am tryinyg to win for you or myrtle at this point
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:55:49 PM): okay
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:55:50 PM): awesome!!
SpunkyTinkanna (7:56:17 PM): did you know that Tonks had the idol?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:56:28 PM): i thought she might, b/c she never tlked about voting twice
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:56:33 PM): but tlked about having a reward
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:56:35 PM): but i was never 100% sure
SpunkyTinkanna (7:56:44 PM): hmmmmmmmmmmm I just wondered cus she told ginny
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:56:55 PM): that she had the diol?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:56:57 PM): or just a reward?
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:57:02 PM): cause seh told me she had a rewar
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:57:03 PM): d
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:57:07 PM): which i was asusming b/c of wat u said
MakeMeBelieve242 (7:57:09 PM): was the double vote.
SpunkyTinkanna (7:57:19 PM): yeah she lied to me
SpunkyTinkanna (8:01:20 PM): go team
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:01:24 PM): WOOT
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:01:24 PM): lol
SpunkyTinkanna (8:02:45 PM): I hat whaiting an hour to post
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:03:28 PM): same
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:03:29 PM): LOL
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:03:32 PM): its a total endurance comp
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:03:33 PM): lol
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:03:37 PM): wat time did u end up posting?
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:03:39 PM): :36?
SpunkyTinkanna (8:04:18 PM): 37
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:04:27 PM): o ok
SpunkyTinkanna (8:05:13 PM): .wh you ask darling
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:07:27 PM): just wondering how off i can be
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:07:28 PM): to still win
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:07:29 PM): LOL
SpunkyTinkanna (8:08:05 PM): lamo
SpunkyTinkanna (8:08:07 PM): lmao
SpunkyTinkanna (8:08:21 PM): your for sure 100 percent voting for TONKS RIGHT
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:10:10 PM): yep
SpunkyTinkanna (8:10:17 PM): I got my baby up so my posts will be a littl late here and there bt close
SpunkyTinkanna (8:17:57 PM): so I just told ginny I would vote you out before her just a heads up cause I have no secrets from you. It will just be one more vote I wont get if I make the finale
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:21:31 PM): okay
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:21:32 PM): lmao
SpunkyTinkanna (8:21:47 PM): I dont intend to hide anything from my draco and my myrtle
SpunkyTinkanna (8:22:12 PM): I realy realuy realy want tonks to sign on line
MakeMeBelieve242 (8:24:33 PM): lol
Yeah, I lied tons to Susan today..but who hasn't she lied to?
Hopefully everything works out+Feel free to PM me anytime!!!~Draco Malfoy~