As you can see Coco has been expelled at the last Expulsion Session.
Now let's bring back Susan and Draco from the Portrait Gallery. And once again, both Draco and Susan will be switching Houses, so Susan is with Gryffindor and Draco is with Slytherin.
Finally, let's get to the challenge.
Challenge #4
Today's challenge will be repotting Mandrake.
All of this will be done in your House's Common Room. You may not repot 2 Mandrakes in a row. If you exceed the time limit between each step, the Mandrake will die and you must restart that Mandrake.
To repot an Mandrake you must post:
[Name] Removes Mandrake from old pot
Then post 1 minute later:
[Name] Puts Mandrake in new pot
Then post 1 minute later:
[Name] Adds soil in new pot
Each time a person completes all these steps, while respecting the timeframe, it will count as 1 Mandrake being repotted.
The House that repots the most Mandrakes will be safe from expulsion.
And once again, both Houses will send someone to The Portrait Gallery.
For the losing House, they will meet me in the Headmistress' Office, where one of you will be expelled.
You have 24 Hours.